Profoto Continuous Light Features and Benefits

Profoto Continuous Light Features and Benefits Tube. Duration : 2.22 Mins.

Learn more at The Quality, Reliability & Innovation of Profoto has Finally Come to the World of Film and Video Profoto's ProTungsten Air and ProDaylight Air can now be used to transition smoothly from photography into motion and back again. Use your favorite light shaping tools, compatible with both models, to get the same effects you are used to for still frames, in video. Metal halide technology allows the ProDaylight Air to provide continuous light that can be activated or deactivated based on your needs, while the ProTungsten Air uses halogen lamps. Either are ideal for any lighting situation whether you are a photographer, videographer, or both!

Tags: photography, profoto, protungsten, air, prodaylight, continuous light source, cine, video, lighting, light shaping, hdslr video, profotovids

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